La Policía detiene a los presuntos autores del robo en la iglesia y la rectoral de Cea

(Police arrested suspects in the robbery of the church and rectory of Cea)

Faro de Vigo (2016). La Policía detiene a los presuntos autores del robo en la iglesia y la rectoral de Cea. Faro de Vigo. 5 December.

Title La Policía detiene a los presuntos autores del robo en la iglesia y la rectoral de Cea
Title (translated) Police arrested suspects in the robbery of the church and rectory of Cea
Publication Date 5th Dec 2016
Source Faro de Vigo
Country Spain
Region Europe
Art type Sacred Art, Antiquities
Subject Theft, Arrest
Comments Two well-known criminals in the area have been arrested following a strong of robberies committed in the O' Salnes area, including the robbery of religious and historical items.