Roban el sagrario barroco de la iglesia de Olveira y provocan un incendio en la sacristía

(Baroque tabernacle from the church of Olveira solen and fire started in the sacristy)

Javier Romero (2016). Roban el sagrario barroco de la iglesia de Olveira y provocan un incendio en la sacristía. La Voz de Galicia. 3 February.

Title Roban el sagrario barroco de la iglesia de Olveira y provocan un incendio en la sacristía
Title (translated) Baroque tabernacle from the church of Olveira solen and fire started in the sacristy
Publication Date 3rd Feb 2016
Source La Voz de Galicia
Country Spain
Region Europe
Art type Sacred Art
Subject Theft, Destruction
Comments The vandals/thieves entered through a window, smashed around some rooms, took the tabernacle, and set the place on fire.
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