Buen Pastor: "Robaron las obras y se pintaron murales falsos"

(Buen Pastor: Artworks stolen and fake murals painted)

CBA 24 (2016). Buen Pastor: "Robaron las obras y se pintaron murales falsos". CBA 24. 6 June.

Title Buen Pastor: "Robaron las obras y se pintaron murales falsos"
Title (translated) Buen Pastor: Artworks stolen and fake murals painted
Publication Date 6th Jun 2016
Source CBA 24
Country Argentina
Region Americas
Art type Sacred Art
Subject Theft, Fakes
Comments It appears as if the real paintings were stolen from the church sometime between 1966 and 1973.
Link http://www.cba24n.com.ar/content/buen-pastor-robaron-las-obras-y-se-pintaron-murales-falsos
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20160608083358/http://www.cba24n.com.ar/content/buen-pastor-robaron-las-obras-y-se-pintaron-murales-falsos