El robo de la pequeña Virgen del Cristal, posible móvil del crimen de Celanova

(Theft of the small Virgin of Cristal, possible motive for the crime in Celanova)

ABC España (2015). El robo de la pequeña Virgen del Cristal, posible móvil del crimen de Celanova. ABC España. 16 March.

Title El robo de la pequeña Virgen del Cristal, posible móvil del crimen de Celanova
Title (translated) Theft of the small Virgin of Cristal, possible motive for the crime in Celanova
Publication Date 16th Mar 2015
Source ABC España
Country Spain
Region Europe
Art type Sacred Art
Subject Theft
Comments The venerated image of the Virgin del Cristal was stolen and a priest was murdered at Vilanova dos Infantes, Orense.
Link http://www.abc.es/local-galicia/20150316/abci-muerte-cura-virgen-robada-201503161740.html
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20150404145054/http://www.abc.es/local-galicia/20150316/abci-muerte-cura-virgen-robada-201503161740.html