Author: R Prince Jebakumar

Kapoor's Clues Help TN Cops Locate Antiques


R Prince Jebakumar (2015). Kapoor's Clues Help TN Cops Locate Antiques. The New Indian Express. 15 August.

Singapore Museum Has Eight Idols Stolen From TN

(Singapore; India)

R Prince Jebakumar (2015). Singapore Museum Has Eight Idols Stolen From TN. The New Indian Express. 15 August.

45,000 Temples Across TN Vulnerable to Theft


R Prince Jebakumar (2015). 45,000 Temples Across TN Vulnerable to Theft. The New Indian Express. 15 August.

Tiruvannamalai Temple Gets Centuries-old Panchaloha Idols Back


R Prince Jebakumar (2015). Tiruvannamalai Temple Gets Centuries-old Panchaloha Idols Back. The Indian Express. 27 June.