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Sacred art stolen from Yucatecan churches


The Yucatan Times (2018). Sacred art stolen from Yucatecan churches. The Yucatan Times. 5 October.

Thieves take entire roof from Grade I listed church

(United Kingdom)

Press Association (2018). Thieves take entire roof from Grade I listed church. Dumbarton and Vale of Leven Reporter. 5 October.

Possession of antiquities, artefacts: the legal position


B. Kolappan (2018). Possession of antiquities, artefacts: the legal position. The Hindu. 5 October.

Roban en la iglesia de Valdegrulla en un nuevo ataque al patrimonio de la Diócesis de Osma-Soria


Theft in the church of Veldegrulla in a new attack against the heritage of the Diocese of Osma-Soria

Europa Press (2018). Roban en la iglesia de Valdegrulla en un nuevo ataque al patrimonio de la Diócesis de Osma-Soria. 20 Minutos. 5 October.

Ancient Bible Stolen, Turns up Years Later at Museum of the Bible

(Greece; United States of America)

Ben Kennedy (2018). Ancient Bible Stolen, Turns up Years Later at Museum of the Bible. CBN. 4 October.

Nuevo expolio en Soria: Roban dos capiteles románicos de la ermita de Boós


New pillage in Soria: Two Romanesque capitals stolen from Boós hermitage

ABC Spain (2018). Nuevo expolio en Soria: Roban dos capiteles románicos de la ermita de Boós. ABC Spain. 1 October.

Robo de arte sacro en Yucatán, un delito impune


Theft of sacred art in Yucatán, a crime committed with impunity

La Verdad (2018). Robo de arte sacro en Yucatán, un delito impune. La Verdad. 30 September.

El patrimonio histórico de varios siglos en España, bajo la amenaza de los cazatesoros


Centuries of historical heritage in Spain under threat from treasurehunters

Silvia Pisani (2018). El patrimonio histórico de varios siglos en España, bajo la amenaza de los cazatesoros. La Nación. 22 September.

Thieves steal £40,000 worth of lead from North Lincolnshire church

(United Kingdom)

Simon Leonard (2018). Thieves steal £40,000 worth of lead from North Lincolnshire church. Grimsby Telegraph. 21 September.

India's ancient treasures: Lost and found, but still inaccessible


Samayita Banerjee (2018). India's ancient treasures: Lost and found, but still inaccessible. The Statesman. 20 September.