Source: Vice

The Colonized World Wants Its Artifacts Back


Tarisai Ngangura (2020). The Colonized World Wants Its Artifacts Back. Vice. 7 December.

Canada To Return a Statue It Stole From India Over a Century Ago

(Canada; India)

Varsha Rani (2020). Canada To Return a Statue It Stole From India Over a Century Ago. Vice. 23 November.

Auction House Repatriates Sacred Indigenous Items, Possibly a Human Scalp

(Canada; Germany)

Josh Gabert-Doyon (2020). Auction House Repatriates Sacred Indigenous Items, Possibly a Human Scalp. Vice. 11 August.

Indonesia Can't Stop Its Illegal Treasure Hunters


Adi Renaldi (2017). Indonesia Can't Stop Its Illegal Treasure Hunters. Vice. 20 November.

Jehovah's Witnesses accused of destroying ancient religious site in Mexico


Nathaniel Janowitz (2016). Jehovah's Witnesses accused of destroying ancient religious site in Mexico. Vice. 29 June.

CC to Decide If Malian Teacher Will Face Charges for Destroying Timbuktu Artifacts


Vice (2016). CC to Decide If Malian Teacher Will Face Charges for Destroying Timbuktu Artifacts. Vice. 29 February.

How Ancient Native American Rock Art Is Tearing a California Town Apart

(United States of America)

Barret Baumgart (2016). How Ancient Native American Rock Art Is Tearing a California Town Apart. Vice. 5 January.