Templos en ruinas y saqueados

(Plundered and ruined temples)

Miguel Salazar (2015). Templos en ruinas y saqueados. Diario Xalapa. 3 August.

Title Templos en ruinas y saqueados
Title (translated) Plundered and ruined temples
Publication Date 3rd Aug 2015
Source Diario Xalapa
Country Mexico
Region Americas
Art type Sacred Art
Subject Threat, Preservation
Comments Lamenting the poor preservation status of and theft from historic churches in Coacoatzintla, Veracruz.
Link http://www.oem.com.mx/diariodexalapa/notas/n3902237.htm
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20150804085636/http://www.oem.com.mx/diariodexalapa/notas/n3902237.htm