Valiosa imagen robada a iglesia de San Francisco apareció en museo de Yumbel

(Valuable statue stolen from the church of San Francisco appeared in the Yumbel museum)

Pura Noticia (2015). Valiosa imagen robada a iglesia de San Francisco apareció en museo de Yumbel. Pura Noticia. 31 May.

Title Valiosa imagen robada a iglesia de San Francisco apareció en museo de Yumbel
Title (translated) Valuable statue stolen from the church of San Francisco appeared in the Yumbel museum
Publication Date 31st May 2015
Source Pura Noticia
Country Chile
Region Americas
Art type Sacred Art
Subject Return, Theft, Museums
Comments More on the recovery of the Quito School Angel. It belongs to the Museum of the Church of San Francisco but was located in a community museum in Yumbel. The director of the Yumbel museum is being investigated.