A Jain family from Mysuru comes to a temple near Uthukuli to conduct puja

R. Vimal Kumar (2015). A Jain family from Mysuru comes to a temple near Uthukuli to conduct puja. The Hindu. 20 August.

Title A Jain family from Mysuru comes to a temple near Uthukuli to conduct puja
Publication Date 20th Aug 2015
Source The Hindu
Country India
Region South and East Asia
Art type Sacred Art
Subject Theft
Comments People still travel great distances to visit temples where the primary idol have been stolen.
Link http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/tamil-nadu/a-jain-family-from-mysuru-comes-to-a-temple-near-uthukuli-to-conduct-puja/article7559587.ece
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20150820082300/http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/tamil-nadu/a-jain-family-from-mysuru-comes-to-a-temple-near-uthukuli-to-conduct-puja/article7559587.ece