Himachal Pradesh Idol theft casts cloud over Basant Panchami festivities

Dipender Manta (2014). Himachal Pradesh Idol theft casts cloud over Basant Panchami festivities. Hindustan Times. 9 January.

Title Himachal Pradesh Idol theft casts cloud over Basant Panchami festivities
Publication Date 9th Jan 2014
Source Hindustan Times
Country India
Region South and East Asia
Art type Sacred Art
Subject Theft
Comments After the theft of the idol of Lord Raghunath in December it is unclear if residents of the district will celebrate or call off Basant Panchami, left the Hindu festival that highlights the coming of spring right .
Link http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/himachalpradesh/idol-theft-casts-cloud-over-basant-panchami-festivities/article1-1305058.aspx
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20150110033439/http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/himachalpradesh/idol-theft-casts-cloud-over-basant-panchami-festivities/article1-1305058.aspx