Se retractan pobladores de Tehuipango tras acusar de robo al sacerdote Lidio Limón

(Residents of Tehuipango retract their accusation of theft against the priest Lido Limón)

Miryam Rodríguez Hernández (2015). Se retractan pobladores de Tehuipango tras acusar de robo al sacerdote Lidio Limón. Alcalor Politico. 13 August.

Title Se retractan pobladores de Tehuipango tras acusar de robo al sacerdote Lidio Limón
Title (translated) Residents of Tehuipango retract their accusation of theft against the priest Lido Limón
Publication Date 13th Aug 2015
Source Alcalor Politico
Country Mexico
Region Americas
Art type Sacred Art
Subject Theft
Comments The community now says that they were too quick to judge the priest and have retracted their statements about alleged sacred art theft.