Looters prowl as Nepal's treasures SPILL INTO VIEW

Deutsche Presse Agentur (2015). Looters prowl as Nepal's treasures SPILL INTO VIEW. The Nation. 7 May.

Title Looters prowl as Nepal's treasures SPILL INTO VIEW
Publication Date 7th May 2015
Source The Nation
Country Nepal
Region South and East Asia
Art type Sacred Art
Subject Threat
Comments Discussing the post-earthquake insecurity of sacred sites.
Link http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/Looters-prowl-as-Nepals-treasures-SPILL-INTO-VIEW-30259479.html
Permalink http://web.archive.org/web/20150507095206/http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/Looters-prowl-as-Nepals-treasures-SPILL-INTO-VIEW-30259479.html