Aboriginal art depicting Wandjina figure that sparked aliens theory to be reclaimed by traditional owners

Erin Parke (2016). Aboriginal art depicting Wandjina figure that sparked aliens theory to be reclaimed by traditional owners. ABC Australia. 4 December.

Title Aboriginal art depicting Wandjina figure that sparked aliens theory to be reclaimed by traditional owners
Publication Date 4th Dec 2016
Source ABC Australia
Country Australia
Region Oceania
Art type Sacred Art, Art
Subject Other, Preservation
Comments Aboriginal tribes in the Kimberley region are upset that a colonist-founded conspiracy theory about an ancient depiction of a sacred spirit is the more popular narrative than the traditional one.
Link http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-12-05/aboriginal-people-move-to-reclaim-sacred-wandjina-drawings/8049978
Permalink https://web.archive.org/web/20161205091147/http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-12-05/aboriginal-people-move-to-reclaim-sacred-wandjina-drawings/8049978